This past November, I had the great opportunity to be interviewed by small business evangelist Ramon Ray at Salesforce's Dreamforce 2019 and share tips for succeeding in business. First of all, Ramon Ray is high energy in the human form. Second, he's an amazing resource for all small business owners. Lastly, you will not go wrong if you subscribe to Ramon Ray's newsletter and tune into the Breakfast with Champions Daily live audio show (BWCDaily).

Why interview Gwendolyn Houston-Jack of G Photography by G
Why would a small business extraordinaire like Ramon Ray interview me? Great question. First, I'm a high-energy family portrait artist located in Arlinton, TX, so our energies are in tune. No, seriously, as a certified professional photographer managing a photography studio, Salesforce recognized G Photography by G as a different small business customer. My photography business isn't about technology; it's a service-based business that benefitted greatly from using the Salesforce Essentials CRM software. That's the honest truth.
As I said, I had the opportunity to share a few tips to succeed as a small business owner. I don't claim to know it all, but I will always share the information I do have with others. I wholeheartedly believe in the "each one teaches one to reach many" mindset. The scarcity mindset has never appealed to me. The only way to truly grow is to give back and support the community one is serving.
G's three tips for success
1. Invest in yourself and your education.
The best way to continue evolving and becoming the best version of yourself is to continue learning. Focus on setting educational goals for yourself, which pushes you to the next level. Invest in not only classes to hone your craft skills but invest in business classes as well. We should always be focused on learning something new.
2. Invest in technology.
Post-It Notes and Excel spreadsheets can only carry a business so far. There is a point in the business where the business owner must invest in technology to scale the business. Look for tools that hold you accountable and help you monitor intricate business details such as leads, customer details, and sales.
3. Define your idea of success.
It's so easy to compare your growth and your business' growth to others. Don't do it. This truly is a marathon, and we are all running our own race. Focus on setting goals and milestones for your business and your growth, such as generating $10,000 in sales for quarter two or volunteering to speak at two community events. Celebrate those wins every single chance you have.
Okay, take a few minutes to watch Ramon's YouTube video. It's a great one!