How G Photography by G started
It amazes me how I’ve managed to hold on to items that have changed my life. I never thought I would be interested in photography, nor did I have the desire to pursue a career of being a photographer. I was a pet lover, so I was destined to be a veterinarian or a chef like my father (I love to eat, cook, bake, drink…eat some more).
One holiday many years ago, a preteen girl was given a gift. The gift would start her on a journey to where you and I meet today. Amazing, right? This little pink Pixie 110 camera was my life for a hot minute. Granted, no one thought to purchase a bulb for my camera until later that Christmas day. At that moment, I knew the Sun was my best light source (although I didn’t use it properly).
My first images
Oh well, time has been my friend, and so has technology. I can now share my first shots from this camera, which has a happy home with my most treasured possessions.
G Photography by G and film today
As they say, "what is old is new again." When I'm out and about, and on the road, I'm traveling with at least one of my film cameras. I love working with film again and anticipate seeing the images I've created. Something about the delayed joy is soothing. I don't enjoy the increased price of film, but that's not stopping me from buying the film and getting it developed. Maybe I'll investigate creating a darkroom. Wouldn't that be crazy?
And it's not confirmed yet, but I'm considering adding film portraits to my regular photographic services. That's a different type of experience, but it's high on the list. Stay tuned!
Oh, and if you're ready for a more immediate dose of joy, you should schedule a risk-free consultation with me: schedule a consultation. G Photography by G currently serves Arlington and the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I'm also in Houston often, so I service clients there too.
About Gwendolyn R Houston-Jack
Gwendolyn R. Houston-Jack is a Certified Professional Black woman photographer and family portrait artist who consistently delivers photo session joy. As a lifelong storyteller, her style of photography aligns with her message of family, self-love, inclusion, and defining beauty for oneself. G curates and decorates homes with wall art and heirloom albums and serves Arlington, TX, including the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area and Houston.